Nicholas Mora/IF-47.135

From Blaseball Wiki
Rumor / Community Lore
This article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community. It is just one of many Rumors that we've found in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill. You can find more Rumors about Nicholas Mora at their Rumor Registry.


Nicholas Mora is a Afro-Cuban astrologer and one of very few mortals whose mind witnessed the vast cosmos and survived.

In the glitch in reality at the end of season 1, Mora saw the infinity of causality. his mind would have shattered—were it not for the guiding light of the stars, the only constant across the multiverse. It left him a single minded obsession with stargazing, often needing to search for Polaris in times of stress. As a result, he is easily distractable, and can come off as standoffish and cold to his teammates. Many times Mora would get distracted mid-pitch.

Trade to the Tigers

Mora's exchange to the Tigers helped tremendously; though few stars were visible from Hades except through the hole of Hellmouth itself, as it happened Polaris was always visible from the Tiger pit. His transfer as a batter also gave him ample time to ground himself amongst the stars in between his at-bats.

Still, he is left with one burning mystery: all the stars he saw were constants across the multiverse... with the sole exception of the sun itself. What in Hades is up with that?