Domino Bootleg/Rumor Registry

From Blaseball Wiki


Domino Bootleg has 1 Rumors written about so far.

Domino Bootleg/IF-35.830

Domino Bootleg is a humanoid Blaseball player with bluish skin and an impish smirk. In place of hair they have a mass of foot-long cables tipped with obscure plugs and connectors, drawn into a ponytail and secured with a zip tie. Every other physical characteristic is open to change without notice.

Bootleg's body - they sometimes say "chassis" - is all or mostly synthetic. Beneath a thin self-healing blue membrane is a slender metal-ceramic endoskeleton studded with sockets. These allow the installation of subsidiary modules which offer new physical abilities or influence personality traits. For example, the air_display module equips Bootleg with Lift-pink smoke canisters. This module was uninstalled after it accidentally went off in the dugout during a Season 23 game later dubbed the "fuchsia fog fiasco".

They were previously the sole crew member of a satellite in high Earth orbit. As with Bootleg themself, the age and origin of this satellite are difficult to ascertain. Whatever its original purpose, it has for several decades been broadcasting Earth music to a potential galactic audience of trillions of souls; anyone listening in the Rigel system will discover the Garages in around nine hundred years. Bootleg's stewardship ended abruptly when they became trapped in a poorly-maintained resupply capsule and ejected toward Point Nemo in the southern Pacific Ocean.

Upon splashdown they escaped the capsule only to drift, damaged, in the South Pacific Gyre, attempting to recover previous functionality by fashioning components from ocean plastic, albatross feathers and miscellaneous flotsam. Bootleg remembers little of this period due to salt water shorting key components but describes a recurring dream of a pirate galleon.[1]

Bootleg was eventually pulled from the water by a Chilean freighter en route to Yokohama. They spent the next three days in a bathtub of uncooked rice. On arrival in Japan a freshly desiccated Bootleg reported to the Tokyo Lift's Legscraper on the basis that "we can probably help each other out". The Season 20 Lift may have been (undeserved) ILB Champions but were glad for whatever help they could get. Bootleg's time in the Shadows was spent upgrading components to tolerate Earth gravity and assisting in the Beef Wings truck. Their first new module was a greaseproof, elbow-mounted contactless payment device.

They soon bonded with audiophile Engine Eberhardt and with Theodore Honeywell, some versions of whom help to design and fabricate new modules. Team owner and stadium caretaker Gronk Sewergas is less impressed by Bootleg's pitching than by their former role as "space janitor".

Yusef Fenestrate is not a fan of Bootleg's current Cocky_Jet_Pilot personality module, favouring the earlier Laconic_Paddleboard_Rental_Dude, but does acknowledge their importance in maintaining team morale during a challenging Season 24. The experienced spacefarer seemed only to grow in confidence and composure as the Lift approached an unknown Horizon.

Any alien intelligences tuning into Bootleg's station today (Rigel system: in just over nine hundred years' time) should hear the Emergency Playlist, an automated package of music and natural sounds from around the globe, analogous to the Voyager probes' Golden Records. An unresolved fault means that this programme's Balinese gamelan and Métis fiddle music are increasingly over-ridden by multiple consecutive plays of Harry Nilsson's Without You.


  • Domino Bootleg is not affiliated to Macedonian sloccer team Dinamo Butlijg, though a spellchecker mishap did see them drawn against Śląsk Wrocław in qualification for the UEFA Europa League. Bootleg lost 4-2 on aggregate.
  • Bootleg has a tendency to remember past events and conversations quite differently from the others involved, especially when this different version better suits their current argument. This could be a bug but they are probably just Like That.

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  1. Electrical engineer Theo Honeywell writes: These "key components" more closely resemble transmitter-receivers than any form of on-board memory. This suggests that some important part of DB's mind resides beyond the visible body, or - taken to extremes - that DB is an physical avatar of a discorporeal intelligence with some inbuilt self-preservation protocols. DB themself claims to have been "on autopilot" during their post-splashdown experience.